We depend upon Trying To Conceive, Pregnancy, Miscarriage and Birthing experience submissions from every day people just like you. Please help us connect with and comfort numerous others by submitting your own.
For easier cross referencing, we do ask that if you are telling us about more than one child (except in the case of multiples) that you keep your experiences separate - individual paragraphs are fine.
We do not require the entire story of your child. If you just want to share a pregnancy experience, or even a Trying to Conceive experience, it will be happily received!
We will happily post any submission on any topic to do with TTC (trying to conceive) Pregnancy, Miscarriage, Labour, Birth and Recovery, including all health related issues, preemies, complications, test procedures, abnormalities, surgeries etc. If your experience doesn't seem to 'fit the box' but you feel it would still be of benefit to us, or others, then please don't hesitate in sending it in.
We will also happily accept any submissions to do with new borns, (preemie or not) up to the age of 12 weeks. However, if there is something that wasn't apparant, or was a result from something that happened during an earlier period of time (such as one of our covered time frames) then we will also gladly accept and post it.
we do realise there are many subjects we are not covering, but we hope to in the future. If you feel you have an experience as a woman, that would be of benefit to another, please send it in and we will keep it on file for when we expand our catagories beyond that of the motherhood journey.
Whether your experience is joyous, uneventful, heart wrenching or uplifting, we would love to hear it. But please keep in mind that depending on our submission levels, it may take a short while for you to see your expereince loaded online.
We also welcome photos, though a maximum of one per submission. You can also be kept anonymous, if that's what you wish.
Please send all submissions and enquiries to:
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