I have had 4 bubs...all pretty different as far as the actual labours but all with the same outcome! All natural births except for the gas!!!
My first went for 18 hours, they gave me pethadine at the 17th hour as I was only 5cms, within minutes, I fully dilated and needed to push! Poor baby!
The second was definitely the easiest. 4 hours, just gas, My waters broke naturally, and Hayley was born very quickly!!!
My third labour went for 8 hours with a lot of false labours leading up to it for two weeks! Very full on this time, and in the end Lachlan came so fast I was still standing and had to catch him myself!
And the last labour was horrendous! i went ten days over was meant to be induced, started naturally that day...then it all stopped! Went in for the induction and was already 5 cm’s.....They stretched my cervix, and it was all on! No real break at all between contractions, I was stomping around like a horse...and Jett arrived after 3 hours.
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