Towards the end of my pregnancy, there was one major fear that I couldn't seem to shake...that my scar from the first caesarian would rupture if I had a natural labour this time around. My doctor told me it was a slight possibility.
That, together with the fact that my blood pressure was expected to be high again, led to the decision to have an elected caesarian the second time round. My doctor agreed. Knowing what day our child was going to be born was quite a convenience especially since we had a 23 month old toddler to organize as well.
On October 20th 2003, we had organized for my sister-in-law to baby sit our child Ashley while we arrived at hospital to get ready for the surgery.
While being prepped by the nurses, and on a gerney waiting to enter the operating theatre, much like an airplane waiting for its turn to take off on the tarmac, I waited for my spot to become available. A lovely nurse was chatting to me and my husband and asked if we knew the sex of our baby. 'Yes', I told her, 'we're having another boy'. 'Have you picked a name?' she asked us to which I replied 'yes, but we'd like to keep it to ourselves for now, just in case'. Then she said to us, 'I bet I can guess it'... So I thought, ok, this could be fun. Go for it.
So she starts looking at me and my husband, thinking real hard and staring us up and down. 'Joshua!' she says. I told her she was close, we had picked that name originally but decided against it as there was already a Joshua somewhere among the distant cousins. Then she stopped, looked at us, slammed her hand down on the table and says 'I've got it.... its Zac!'
My mouth just dropped to the floor. The words were unable to come out. My husband looks at me and we both were like....'how the hell did you guess that? You're absolutely right!!!" I couldn't believe she had guessed it, out of all the boys names in the world she could've picked, she was right!
Throughout the whole entire caesasrian, all I could think about was how in the world that nurse guessed the name of our healthy baby boy, Zac!!! He was not as big as his brother, 8lb 1oz and all went well with the surgery.
Tammy (Australia)
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