I started having contractions Sunday afternoon, off and on. At about 3 AM on Monday morning they were five minutes apart so I had my husband take me to the hospital.
They checked me and I was dilated to a one. After an hour, they sent me home. I continued having contractions all day Monday. I was having back labor. I tried everything to help because I wanted to go naturally. I took baths and showers, laid on my side, walked around, had my husband use tennis balls in a sock to rub my back, etc.
I'd feel better for a few minutes and then the pain would be back just as bad. Had contractions all day Monday, all night Monday. I barely slept. The contractions were from 3-7 minutes apart. Had contractions all day Tuesday.
Finally, I had my husband take me back to the hospital around 3 PM on Tuesday. I was dilated to a 2. I was miserable, tired, etc. They said they could admit me and they would start me in the morning, I could go home and wait it out, or they could give me some morphine and then send me home and come back in the morning to start Pitocin.
I decided to take the morphine. I went home and slept for about3 1/2 hours and then was wide awake all night with even worse contractions. The next morning I was dilated to a four. My water broke shortly after getting to the hospital. THey gave me pitocin and I got an epidural right after.
Nine hours later, I was dilated to a 10. After 50 minutes of pushing, at 4:53 PM on WEDNESDAY my beautiful baby girl was born. She weighed 7 pounds 15 ounces, 21 1/2 inches long and was very cone headed. But beautiful. She was 6 days late according to my due date.
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